Leading names in cybersecurity, robotics, AI and aerospace that are thriving at the Port and across our region are primed to ensure that our nation leads the new space race and deploys technologies that will transform life across the planet.
To do so, people on our campus and across our community have a unique opportunity to collaborate in fulfilling a vision that includes building massive satellite arrays deployed from the moon that will capture solar energy and transmit it wirelessly to Earth--creating limitless carbon-free electricity.
Far fetched? Not quite.
The U.S. and other nations are already looking beyond our planet for the next tech revolution, and that future is much closer than most people realize.
Port CEO Jim Perschbach sits down with KSAT-TV's Max Massey to explain, including how the next generation of San Antonio's tech talent--as young as middle school--is already hard at work in efforts that include designing lunar habitats, programming robots and sharpening their cyber skills as they join in this exciting journey.