Port San Antonio and its partners are broadening the horizons of thousands through online learning--featuring fun activities for kids, STEM-based courses for college-bound students and professional development workshops for adults aiming to learn new tech skills for their careers. These experiences are offered at no cost and provided by leading education and industry partners. Please enjoy our current lineup and be on the lookout for new opportunities on an ongoing basis!
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Immerse yourself in five illustrated scenes, each depicting an era of passenger flight, and explore the changes that have occurred in passenger air travel…
How different generations view cybersecurity and what it means for hiring talent.
How attackers will use them to steal your data and money.
How our thoughts and actions can be hacked and hijacked.
This 360-experience guides students through three space-based scenarios with a focus on various aspects and considerations with respect to traveling to Mars.
Follow the path of NASA astronauts as they travel in the latest generation of rockets – the Boeing CST-100 Starliner.
The award-winning LotusFlo™ superhydrophobic coating is solving a major problem in offshore oil drilling. Substances often clog pipes, slowing or stopping the…
English mathematician Ada Lovelace is remembered as the first person to publish an algorithm and create a computer program. As a child, she had a brilliant…
For thousands of years, people have made things the same way, carving out a tool or a part from a bigger chunk of material. While humankind has had great…
This consortium will focus on advancing understanding of the unique requirements of electrified powertrain lubricants.
Learn about the origins of the Boeing 747, at the time the largest and most complex passenger aircraft ever built, and the engineer who built it, in this video…
Hear from Dynamic Advancement as they explain how Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. has fortified itself in the data center business.
Download six weeks of daily enrichment activities including online and offline versions for PreK – 12th grades.
Mark Solis from Love.Marketing will go over the practical use cases for Augmented Reality. Love.Marketing is a new wave agency based in San Antonio, Texas. We…
Programming doesn’t exist in a bubble. There are a lot of real-world activities that actually use programming concepts, even though it’s not always obvious. In…
Architects create blueprints, or plans, of their buildings before they can be built. Using Kano Make Art, you will use the coding language CoffeeScript, a…
Get an inside look at America’s first Space Taxi – the Boeing shuttle that will take everyday citizens to the International Space Station.
In this activity, you will be creating your own robot like Pascal in the book How to Code a Sandcastle by Joshua Funk, and then you will help your personal…
Students will pretend to join an internship where they will have the chance to investigate the principles of density and buoyancy as they may apply to deep…
In this video, we will lead students through our Butterfly Travels Scratch activity, which uses Scratch block coding. Students can follow along with the video…
Systems Integration Engineer Clark Esty shares what his job requires of him and what it's like working at NASA.
Dr. Charity Lander is an Astrobiologist with Southwest Research Institute who studies life in extreme environments.
Watch as Dr. Emily Matula talks about her experience as a Flight Controller and Instructor at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
Watch as Southwest Research Institute Research Scientist Dr. Kelly Miller shares some of the amazing space-related work she does.
Hear from Dr. Roman Gomez, the Lead Research Scientist in the Space and Engineering division at Southwest Research Institute, as he shares how he has achieved…
Rebecca Perryman provides insights on her career as a Senior Researcher and Lead Engineer with Southwest Research Institute.
WEX Foundation and Astroport Space Technologies founder Sam Ximenes discusses space architecture and the role space architects can play in helping humans…
Carrie got involved with Girlstart after seeing how much her daughter enjoyed our programs. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to hear about her…
Lead students in learning about and listing celestial traits. Students will take on the role of a particular Boeing career and consider how their position…
Examine the forces that act on an airplane in flight, the motions a pilot controls, and the design process engineers use to develop airplanes that manage these…
In this activity, you will create four different scenes that represent each season. These seasons are: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. In each of these…
Introduce students to the role of "citizen scientists" and how they can contribute to real-life research. Present a few of NASA's citizen…
Join Spurs Give and Youth Code Jam this week for a brand, new basketball-inspired coding program, supported by Conn’s HomePlus, aimed to help students learn…
Join Spurs Give and Youth Code Jam this week for a brand, new basketball-inspired coding program, supported by Conn’s HomePlus, aimed to help students learn…
Join Spurs Give and Youth Code Jam this week for a brand, new basketball-inspired coding program, supported by Conn’s HomePlus, aimed to help students learn…
Watch how the Colossal Hand exhibit was prototyped, engineered, constructed, and functions. Stay with the STEM educator crew and learn how to make your own…
On this episode, we talk to two scientists joining the fight against COVID-19. SwRI scientist Dr. Jonathan Bohmann is using the Rhodium™ Software to analyze…
Is a lack of computer skills holding you back from meeting your job and career goals? SAMSAT and Broadway Bank have joined to offer Computer Literacy for the…
As the design of engines advances and continues to push the capabilities of current hardware to higher durability limits, more accurate and reliable analysis…
Students will work as recruited employees of Boeing to help expand their knowledge of ocean vessels. Boeing needs their help and insight on the optimal ship…
This activity will help you learn the basics of sprite costume customization. You will create a scene in which you change the Dinosaur sprite to look like his…
This activity is designed for advanced level programmers who are interested in exploring text-based coding language. This exercise incorporates Python and…
Join the Science Mill team on an adventure that is down to Earth and out into Space. Meet former NASA astronaut and Science Mill board member Tom Henricks as…
Examine the early days of aviation and what led Bill Boeing to industrialize the Wright Brothers’ invention, in this video from WGBH and The Documentary Group.
This Principal of JesRico Consulting, a cyber security consulting firm, argues that cyber security is essential for individuals and the economy.
Join SAMSAT and CyberTexas for a virtual presentation discussing Cyber in the Navy. This is presented in conjunction with the U.S. Navy, Port San Antonio, and…
We've gathered an amazing panel of experts to discuss the state of the cybersecurity industry. We'll deep dive into careers, education,…
Software developers need to fundamentally rethink the coding process to include an explicit focus on the privacy and security aspects of their code rather than…
CyManII's Learning Library provides online cybersecurity training courses, resources, and tools for the manufacturing workforce in IT/OT cybersecurity.
As the Decade of Downtown edged beyond its mid-point and into the latter half of the decade, something special was taking shape just 8 minutes to the southwest…
Discover the origins of the swept wing and podded engine design, two technologies that helped engineers harness the speed potential of jet engines, in this…
In this episode, we highlight an innovative technology for doctors treating patients with breast cancer. SwRI engineers and pathologists from UT Health San…
Often being the only girl in her classes, rotations, and medical training, Kim decided to expose more girls to her career field. We are so grateful to have her…
Dr. Hon initially got involved with Girlstart to show girls that they can be doctors, too. We are excited to have her on the blog to talk about her journey to…
With extensive global experience in leading medical device, life science and bionic device companies — from concept to commercialization — Berkeley Bionic’s…
Experience the engineering design process as an aerospace engineer assigned to design and test an airplane, in this interactive produced by WGBH and The…
Trace the emergence of the passenger jet from its military origins and learn about the obstacles and opportunities that Boeing’s president Bill Allen faced…
Port San Antonio's Will Garrett discusses the Port's role in the rise of eSports in San Antonio.
What is esports? Learn more about San Antonio’s local gaming and esports community with the San Antonio Public Library Esports Panel. In our first video of the…
Learn more about San Antonio’s local gaming and esports community with the San Antonio Public Library Esports Panel. In our second video of the series panelist…
Learn more about San Antonio’s local gaming and esports community with the San Antonio Public Library Esports Panel. In our third video of the series, panelist…
Learn more about San Antonio’s local gaming and Esports community with the San Antonio Public Library Esports Panel. In this discussion, panelists from Geekdom…
Learn more about San Antonio’s local gaming and Esports community with the San Antonio Public Library Esports Panel. In this discussion, panelists from Geekdom…
Barnett’s talk introduces hackers and engineers from the global Maker Movement who are dedicated to democratizing maker tools. He discusses the growing…
Room burn comparisons carried out at SwRI illustrate how fire codes in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom affect the fire safety of home…
With graduation season upon us, students are in the final stages of making plans for the next phase of their lives. In this FIRST in Texas Talks session,…
In this session of FIRST in Texas Talks, the focus is on careers and workforce opportunities inside the world of cyber security. We will hear from two cyber…
The Esports committee discuss the future of esports in San Antonio with Charles (Geekdom), Will (Port San Antonio) and Constance (Plus One Robotics).
Take a virtual tour of Science Mill's Aquaponics Greenhouse and try your hand at Greenhouse Bingo!
In this activity we will be programming a Gruffalo Sprite to move through a maze that we create. This activity will teach us how to use backgrounds and Sprites…
This activity is designed for beginner programmers who are interested in exploring text-based coding languages. This exercise incorporates the use of Python…
Today we are honored to interview Hansa Giridhar, Girlstart Alumna, Author of “AI for Kids”, and Founder and CEO of Leadstreams. Hansa is an excellent example…
This activity is for beginner text-based coders who want to learn the Java language. This activity will help practice syntax and commands. The purpose of this…
Explore the social and economic factors as well as the engineering innovations that have driven—and continue to drive—both higher and faster commercial flight…
At Canonical's Ubuntu Masters series last week, Zach Keeton shows how smart robots can work together with Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence.…
Dynamic Advancement also explains how aspiring IT professionals can benefit.
Our brains are amazing. Billions of brain cells and trillions of connections make up who we are by generating our deepest thoughts and feelings. The basis of…
This resource includes information on how starting STEM education at a young age can impact critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.…
Teachers must create environments where students are free to learn about learning, and free to fail as well. This requires the adoption of student-centered…
Explore crazy contraptions like our over-the-top exhibit, the Incredible Ball Machine! Join the Science Mill staff on a wacky adventure into the wild ride of…
Hear from Dynamic Advancement on how grocers such as H-E-B may be the perfect companies for IT and Cybersecurity jobs.
Dynamic Advancement explains: Non-tech industries need cyber and IT talent too.
Jennifer is passionate about helping others find doors of opportunity, just as mentors and supporters once did for her. She sees volunteering with Girlstart as…
It is human destiny to become a multi-planet species. The space frontier is opening up to private citizens and interplanetary entrepreneurs are redefining the…
It is human destiny to become a multi-planet species. The space frontier is opening up to private citizens and interplanetary entrepreneurs are redefining the…
In this video, we introduce Kano Make Art, a fun online editor that combines art with code. We'll walk through the Basic Challenge package, explaining the…
Knight Aerospace has developed and begun production of the world’s first air-worthy and completely self-contained medical unit for transporting critically ill…
This challenge is open to the entire FIRST in Texas statewide community. Students of all ages, mentors, coaches, volunteers, statewide partners, FIRST…
Students will research and analyze potential solutions to establishing a lunar base.
Students will explore scale, proportion, time, and distance to understand potential problems of long-endurance space flights.
Students are challenged with creating a landing system for the world's first crewed Martian-bound spacecraft.
Students will complete a redesign of the International Space Station's fitness center.
Students will be presented with the challenge of minimizing spacecraft weight in order to maximize flight capabilities.
Students will learn about the science behind welding, explore its uses across manufacturing and aerospace.
On this episode, we talk to the SwRI engineer leading the lab through this crucial effort. He tells us why his team is doing this work as a community service,…
See how nature inspires tech innovations on this episode of the Explorer Zone. Meet the Science Mill’s Masters of Disguise – creatures with incredible…
In this lesson we will teach basic math that can help you create a great masterpiece.
Matsuri became involved with Girlstart after hearing of her friend’s experiences with us. Wanting to make a difference and get more girls interested in STEM,…
SwRI is pleased to present a webinar showcasing a systematic process to model lithium-ion battery failure due to mechanical abuse.
Meha’s interest in Girlstart was initially sparked by our fun approach to STEM, which led her to teach a hands-on workshop at our annual Girls In STEM…
Mark Solis from Love.Marketing will go over the practical use cases for Augmented Reality. Love.Marketing is a new wave agency based in San Antonio, Texas. We…
Students will calculate how long a trip around the Moon and back to Earth would take. Then they will contemplate the potential Moon tourism and design a…
The Science Mill is focused on one thing: inspiring students to see themselves in a future STEM workforce. In this strange “in-between” time, new realities…
Southwest Research Institute engineers have developed the next generation of clean diesel engine technology to reduce hazardous nitrogen oxides (NOx) and…
The Particle Science and Technology Laboratory at Southwest Research Institute expanded its services to include mask testing in response to the COVID-19…
In this activity, you will build your own musical instrument which you can play when you hear specific words. You will use different ways to input information…
Automated driving systems use machine learning to detect pedestrians and predict motion. SwRI engineers have developed novel deep learning algorithms that…
This interactive timeline from NOVA charts the evolution of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), from their earliest incarnations as bomb-dropping balloons and…
In this activity, you will create a bright digital canvas featuring a lunchtime favorite using web-based programming software. You will code in CoffeeScript,…
Thousands of planets have been discovered outside of our Solar System, and with each one, there is a chance that it could be habitable or inhabited. However,…
Join Plus One Robotics co-founders Shaun Edwards & Paul Hvass as they share some crucial secrets to their startup success, the story of their founding and…
Plus One Robotics is creating new career opportunities that will help streamline the operations in global industrial settings such as manufacturing sites and e…
In this activity, we'll explore advanced programming concepts such as working with multiple variables and how to have different sprites (objects) interact…
Welcome to our first SAMSAT Show & Tell video series. On this video we will talk about Relay Computers, and in particular the RC-3 which is on exhibition…
In this activity you will be helping an astronaut return to Earth. As the astronaut gets closer to Earth, Earth will slowly increase in size as if we are going…
Road to Building Futures showcases local tech professionals and the diverse education career paths that San Antonio has to offer. Join us as we hear their…
In our latest episode, we visit with CNF Technologies' VP of Operations Steve Lewis—a talented cybersecurity professional who shares his career journey…
Renowned Space Architect Sam Ximenes—founder and principal of NASA-funded educational and research entities WEX Foundation, XArc and Astroport—will lead an…
This activity is for intermediate level coders who want to learn the Java language. This activity requires understanding of the syntax (set of rules or…
Sam began volunteering with Girlstart at their Back to School STEM Saturday event where she loved hearing girls explain to their parents what they were…
Sarah is a Product Manager that is getting involved with Girlstart to see a change in the STEM field. In her words, “STEM is more than just lab coats and…
Sarah found Girlstart after previously volunteering with other female STEM organizations and wanted to get more involved. She is one of many amazing Women In…
To kick-off 2021, San Antonio’s first robotics group, SATX Robotix, is celebrating women who are blazing the trail for advanced robotics.
San Antonio is fast becoming a center for robotics! The meetup group SATX Robotix is working to help create a bigger community with organizations, educational…
This talk shares her scientific public outreach experiences, emphasizing the importance of good communication. Listen in for a better understanding of how…
In this video, we'll learn about a Caesar Cipher and complete Scratch code to make a working encoding method. The Caesar Cipher was created by Julius…
This webinar will explore sensitivity analysis techniques that are commonly used to better understand the relationship between model inputs and outputs.
This activity is designed for intermediate programmers who are interested in exploring text based coding languages. This exercise incorporates the use of…
Earlier this month, Port San Antonio joined leading innovators during the Montréal Connect 2020 conference. It was an opportunity to share with an audience…
Shefali is passionate about seeing women/girls in STEM succeed, and got involved with Girlstart to make that happen. Today she is talking about her career in…
Southwest Research Institute developed an oil leak detection system that pairs machine vision algorithms with inexpensive visual and thermal cameras. The Smart…
Watch how Boeing is leading the world in space exploration with cutting-edge launch systems, the new CST-100 Starliner and more!
Join Former NASA astronaut Chris Ferguson as he tries on Boeing’s new lightweight, functional space suit designed for future passengers of the CST-100…
It’s been over five years since a crew launched from and landed on U.S. soil. Take a look at how Boeing is bringing America back into space with the launch of…
NASA astronauts get an up-close look at the Starliner trainers – a simulated glass cockpit that is an exact replica of what they will see within the CST-100…
Meet the Boeing Engineering Team that is working together to launch the next spacecraft to Mars.
Learn how Boeing mathematicians, coders, and scientists have created a one-of-a-kind, immersive 3D experience on a 2D screen.
Learn how Boeing is pushing the boundaries of space travel by strategizing the phases that will take astronauts to Mars.
Catch a glimpse of the training, testing, and preparation that Boeing undergoes before launching a spacecraft into space.
This is a free, self-paced camp, with optional live-sessions and self-guided activities for coders on the go!
Star shows in our Mini-Planetarium and out-of-this-world activities for all ages.
The New Worlds Await You team welcomes Southwest Research Institute Engineer Ridhwaan Syed as he explains how to build your own lunar rover.
Design your personal mission patch that includes your spark and dream job!
Design a musical instrument and control the loudness and frequency of the sound!
Build a boat that can hold treasure without sinking and then turn it into a sailboat that can sail across a small body of water!
Led by an engineer, watch the video for an out of this world experience in growing your own plants like astronauts do in space!
Led by an engineer from Communities In Schools of San Antonio, watch the video for 3 levels of challenges, the science behind roller coasters, and real-world…
Build your very own space lander and keep your astronauts safe when landing on Mars!
Learn how to build a moveable robotic hand, and then turn it into a wearable superhero arm!
Antennas make modern communication possible from mobile phones to Wi-Fi. They also make our communities safer by supporting emergency, law enforcement and…
The early solar system was a chaotic place, with evidence indicating that Mars was likely struck by planetesimals, small protoplanets up to 1,200 miles in…
Wayne discusses powerful techniques for overcoming the personal and social separation frequently engendered by smartphones and other emerging mobile…
Discover how The Boeing Company’s decision to abandon one revolutionary airplane design led to another successful design, in this video from WGBH and The…
Learn what virtual reality (VR) is, how it is being used in the world today and the kind of growth it has experienced over the past few years. In this time of…
When you think of a hacker, what do you think of? A man who breaks into your bank accounts? Someone who steals important documents? To programmers, though, it’…
Matt Robinson will share his experiences assessing the return on investment for automation of advanced manufacturing robotics solutions and will present some…
In this activity, we'll build a program that shows the path of a single food chain. Instead of working from an activity sheet, we'll walk through…
Several of our top minds recently joined Port San Antonio’s Stephanie Garcia as part of our community’s annual San Antonio Startup Week (SASW) to discuss their…
Do you have a fascination with fluctuation or an obsession with oscillation, perhaps a peculiar rhythm of reverberation that you just can’t shake? Ever have…
In this activity you will help the Very Hungry Caterpillar, from the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, eat a delicious leaf. As the caterpillar eats the leaf,…
Importing your own images into Scratch can be a useful skill for creating a number of projects including time-lapse projects, stop motion animations, and…
Are you interested in getting a virtual behind the scenes look at the United States Air Force Aviation program? Check out the United States Air Force Pathway…
Students who are interested in learning more about our Engineering programs can join our virtual "camp" to explore videos, presentations, and…
Travel to various locations around Seattle, Washington to meet STEM experts who are working on sustainability.
Exclusive virtual field trip to historic Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
By investigating how the use of technology connects scientists, engineers and citizens across the country, students will explore the term “citizen scientist,”…
For the most part, we humans walk around expecting technology to help us — we feel in awe of computers and mobile phones. Instead, it's time we all become…
Learn more about how AI-vision by PickOne enables warehouse automation for induction and mixed depalletization.
Plus One Robotics covers warehouse automation at a high level.
Have questions about coronavirus? Virologist Dr. Nels Elde joins the Explorer Zone for a special episode on COVID-19. Dr. Elde will answer questions by viewers…
Building A Purpose - Guest Speaker Connection Program brings you the "What is a Doctor". Sit down with Dr. Ruth Ackah (whom graduated from Baylor…
Building A Purpose - Guest Speaker Connection Program brings you the "What is a Doctor". Sit down with Dr. Ruth Ackah (whom graduated from Baylor…
Guest Speaker Connection Program brings you the "What is an Engineer". Sit down with Yoshi Perez (whom Graduated from MIT and is now a Sr. Mechanical…
See the Science Mill's aquaponics systems in action and discover related STEM careers. Then learn how to design a hydroponic planter using items you have…
We are using math to design intricate works of art using our very own Wondergraph! Hop into our Learning Lab for a DIY workshop on creating your own geometric…
As Business Development Specialist at Port San Antonio, Stephanie Garcia is a part of the team that provides a solid foundation where thousands of talented…
Yvonne has been involved in Girlstart for many years, beginning when her daughter attended our camps. Seeing how much her daughter enjoyed our programs, while…
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